Watch Full Beauty and the Beast in Top Quality
Now you can download full Beauty and the Beast in HD video with duration 112 Min and was published in 2014-02-12 and MPAA rating is 182.- Original Title : La Belle et la bête
- Movie title in your country : Beauty and the Beast
- Year of movie : 2014
- Genres of movie : Fantasy, Romance,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 2014-02-12
- Companies of movie : Studio Babelsberg, Eskwad, TF1 Films Production, TMC, Canal+, Pathé, 120 Films, TF1, Ciné+,
- Countries of movie : France, Germany,
- Language of movie : English, Français,
- Durationof movie : 112 Min
- Average vote of movie : 6.1
- Youtube ID of movie : jwTU_-UpU9g
- Translation of movie : EN,ES,IT,FR,SK,RU,DE,CS,HU,EL,ZH,DA,PT,LT,NL,TH,PL,RO,HE,JA,
- Actors of movie :Vincent Cassel (La bête), Léa Seydoux (La belle), André Dussollier (Belle's father), Eduardo Noriega (Perducas), Myriam Charleins (Astrid), Audrey Lamy (Anne), Sara Giraudeau (Clotilde), Jonathan Demurger (Jean-Baptiste), Nicolas Gob (Maxime), Louka Meliava (Tristan), Yvonne Catterfeld (La Princesse), Dejan Bucin (Louis), Wolfgang Menardi (Thierry), Mickey Hardt (Etienne), Arthur Doppler (Virgil), Elisabeth Bogdan (Fanny), Marie Gruber (Adèle), Gotthard Lange (L'huissier), Max Volkert Martens (Le directeur Dumont), Richard Sammel (Le tenancier), Nora Hütz (Serafina)
Movie summary of Beauty and the Beast :
Best Beauty and the Beast in Top Quality with movie plot "Beauty and the Beast is the adaptation of a story by Madame de Villeneuve. Published anonymously in 1740 as La Jeune Américaine et les contes marins, it paints a portrait of Belle, a joyful and touching young girl who falls in love with the Beast, a cursed creature in search of love and redemption. In 1760, a condensed children’s version was published. It was from this version that Jean Cocteau and then Walt Disney drew their famous adaptations. Overshadowed, the original version by Madame de Villeneuve has never been adapted for the screen... until now!" in top video format. Free Beauty and the Beast in Top Video Format by clicking the download link.
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Director : Christophe Gans, Animation Supervisor : Emilio Ghorayeb, Novel : Jeanne-Marie Leprince de Beaumont, Writer : Christophe Gans, Writer : Sandra Vo-Anh
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Tags: magic, castle, fairy tale, transformation, love, based on novel, surrealism, curse, forest, man beast, beast, giant man, healing power, based on fairy tale, picturesque, beauty and the beast,
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